Thursday, March 14, 2013

Langston Hughes

Langston Hughes was an extraordinary poet, and his poem Dream Deferred is an example of this. This poem relates to Gatsby because Gatsby has a dream and follows it through, but it is never attained and his dream ends up deferred. The poem says "does it dry up like a raisin in the sun", which is the process of how raisins are made, and as a result of this process it becomes sweeter and tougher. This relates to Gatsby's view of  Daisy because as more time goes on away from Daisy, Gatsby's idea of being together becomes better and better. "Or fester like a sore- and then run" this line refers to how Gatsby is trying so hard to finally attain his dream, while not realizing that in the end it is unattainable. Or maybe the dream "sags like a heavy load", and in Gatsby's case it does because even though his dream was a fail in bringing back the past and having Daisy in her innocence, it is still a heavy load, or a burden to Gatsby because the dream will always weigh in on him. "Or does it just explode?" Gatsby's lifelong dream ends up exploding in the end because he can never have the image of Daisy that he dreamed about for so long, and even though he will always want Daisy he will never have her, having only loved him and not Tom.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Ghost Story

Hamlet acts crazy throughout the play to do just about anything he wants. As a result, it is easily understood if Hamlet made up the ghost as a motive. I personally believe that the ghost is real . I believe this way because Hamlet was not the only one to see the ghost but Horatio and the other men saw the ghost as well. This is evidence that the ghost is in fact real. However, Hamlet is the only character who "talks" to the ghost. This could be interpreted either way. I believe that Hamlet's conversation with the ghost is just a figment of his imagination. Especially in 3.4.18, you see that Hamlet is the only one who sees and hears the ghost in Gertrude's room. This shows that Hamlet may actually be crazy, and it is no longer just an act. The ghost seen in Act I is real, however every other time that Hamlet sees the ghost I believe that it is just a figment of his imagination, and that any conversation with the ghost is also a figment of his imagination.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Two people meet and love flows in the air

Two people meet and love flows in the air
Love does not last it is destined to end
broken hearts, lost love, tears flow here and there
People do not care it's all for pretend

This advertised love it does not exist
What is love but a water-less ocean
When one finds another you are not missed
Wanted by all what a huge commotion

TV shows and movies, cheaters alike
They lead the corruption found within love
Not stopping at one but waiting to strike
It punches and kicks and ends with a shove

Whether a journey, flower, game, or fire
Love is a metaphor bound to expire

Thursday, December 6, 2012


“Ye made of defecation lies in the truth.”
This is what the sign had read right at the start.
For those at this level gaudy in themselves.

I saw pools of body waste not far apart.
Their fate and amount of waste controlled themselves.
The ruler found in this place is known as Lart.

Defecation piled in levels and levels.
Virgil said the sinners here were full of lies.
Some so buried under submerged as if tiny elves.

Past them were the cheaters, selfish in love and lust that cannot see.
Punished with falling in a Love as their lovers cheat.
A short vision is given, then forever blindness and broken hearts.

Worse cheaters would be forced to run backwards into a knife stabbing their hearts so slow.
Pain enduring, their bodies heal just to be stabbed again for eternal suffering.
The worst sinners would be turned to stone.

Alive, but forever stuck and never moving.
Suddenly, I  grew weak and I dropped.
Was this deepening inferno ending?

All 6 stanzas are written in Terza Rima, and the first 2 stanzas are written in 11 syllable lines. There are two types of sinners are found within this level of hell. First, the cheap sinners whom are full of lies and false identities, and secondly the sinners that were cheaters. It differs from the levels of greed and lust because they are not greed but liars, cheaters, and people who are full of falsehoods. The sinners found are cheaters of their own personal identities or cheaters in general. At first, Dante enters and sees many pools. In each pool lie the wastes of that being. The contrapasso found here is that because these people were always full of “crap” or lies all of their lives they are now buried in their fraud and lack of truth and identity. This is located at level 8.5 right in between level 8 and 9. The sign at the beginning of the poem reads “Ye made of defecation lies in the truth”, this means that those who are made of crap are forever in crap. In other words, those who were always lying and hiding their true identities by making stuff up about themselves will now forever lie in their crap. The more that someone was full of a fake self, the more crap they lied in. The more full of crap they were the more submerged in crap they were. Also the crap is green because it is a symbol of impurity. Next are the sinners whom had cheated or been unfaithful, they were the least of the offense and they received eternal blindness. Blindness was seen as mental and physical blindness. This symbolized physical blindness because they could not see and mental blindness because they were unaware of the circumstances. Then they were given vision and they saw all the horrible things that had happened to them and they were left in eternal blindness and a broken heart and the cycle would repeat. Those who were more serious cheater and really harmed someone through cheating were eternally running backwards into a knife that stabbed them through their backs into their hearts. The contrapasso here was that since they back stabbed others and left them with a broken heart they were being back stabbed and left with a broken heart and this process would go on and on. And lastly the worst offenders of cheating whom had a disregard for anyone else were turned into stone. The contrapasso found here was that because they had a stone heart they were eternally turned into stone and they could never move.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Tiresias Diary

Dear Diary,

        Today, I tried convincing Oedipus that he was the cause of the plague all along. However, he did not get my hints so I kept it to myself. Being that he is the king I am terribly afraid of what he will do to me if I tell him that it was actually him. His prophecy has been fulfilled and he was the one to kill his father Laius and marry his mother Jocasta. I feel like if I tell him I will be exiled or killed instantly. I am afraid to admit it but I am very scared, hopefully he understands the hints I am throwing at him and figures it out on his own. Oedipus' ignorance angers me for if he would just accept his fate he would not curse himself so badly. This is very unpleasant considering he was a wonderful king to rule us. My next account will hopefully include Oedipus's realization of his blindness of the truth. His mental blindness is so aggravating, and hopefully my life will be spared.