Thursday, November 29, 2012

Tiresias Diary

Dear Diary,

        Today, I tried convincing Oedipus that he was the cause of the plague all along. However, he did not get my hints so I kept it to myself. Being that he is the king I am terribly afraid of what he will do to me if I tell him that it was actually him. His prophecy has been fulfilled and he was the one to kill his father Laius and marry his mother Jocasta. I feel like if I tell him I will be exiled or killed instantly. I am afraid to admit it but I am very scared, hopefully he understands the hints I am throwing at him and figures it out on his own. Oedipus' ignorance angers me for if he would just accept his fate he would not curse himself so badly. This is very unpleasant considering he was a wonderful king to rule us. My next account will hopefully include Oedipus's realization of his blindness of the truth. His mental blindness is so aggravating, and hopefully my life will be spared.


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