Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Ghost Story

Hamlet acts crazy throughout the play to do just about anything he wants. As a result, it is easily understood if Hamlet made up the ghost as a motive. I personally believe that the ghost is real . I believe this way because Hamlet was not the only one to see the ghost but Horatio and the other men saw the ghost as well. This is evidence that the ghost is in fact real. However, Hamlet is the only character who "talks" to the ghost. This could be interpreted either way. I believe that Hamlet's conversation with the ghost is just a figment of his imagination. Especially in 3.4.18, you see that Hamlet is the only one who sees and hears the ghost in Gertrude's room. This shows that Hamlet may actually be crazy, and it is no longer just an act. The ghost seen in Act I is real, however every other time that Hamlet sees the ghost I believe that it is just a figment of his imagination, and that any conversation with the ghost is also a figment of his imagination.

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